Transversal Poetics

Workshop on Translation and Transcreation of Latin American Poetry

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Transversal Poetics:
Workshop on Translation and Transcreation of Latin American Poetry


Our workshop was a sustained inquiry into transversal poetics: the theory and practice of poetry as a form of expression that deliberately cuts across and brings together distinct ways of making sense with language.


In the course of our workshop, we set out to understand the different ways in which poems intersect verbal, vocal, and visual registers by translating them to different languages (from Spanish and Portuguese to English) and by rendering them into platforms other than the printed page. We are guided by the idea that translation, transformation, and transcreation can serve as insightful forms of analysis and critique.




You will find materials from the processes of our inquiries and experiments in “categories” organized by both our names (workshop collaborators) and by the poets whose writings we workshopped.


We worked with a selection of challenging poems from Latin America, as well as theoretical writings and texts on translation penned by writers from the region and elsewhere. We devoted particular emphasis on the work of poets – Washington Cucurto, Malú Urriola, Roger Santiváñez, and Tamara Kamenszain – invited to Transversal, a three-day symposium on poetry, translation, and transcreation co-organized by the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, the Woodberry Poetry Room, and the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures.





The Fall 2013 course on Transversal Poetics was listed as Spanish 158 in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard.  Professor Sergio Delgado led the course and workshop collaborators included department concentrators Eunice Kim, Paula Maouyo, Andrea Delgado, Jessica Gil, and Hannah Baron.










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